Recreation: According it is the set of physical-recreational-sports or tourist activities to which man voluntarily dedicates him in his free time, for active rest, fun and individual development. Through this, the needs of man’s movement are satisfied to achieve as a result: health and happiness.
Free time: As that part of the reproduction time in which the degree of compulsory nature of the activities is not necessary and by virtue of having satisfied the vital human needs at a basic level, any of them can be chosen.
Group It is a small group, it is a relatively stable formation, which supposes a permanent and direct form of communication, it has a certain structure of interaction determined by the characteristic of joint activity.
At the discretion of the author of this research,
He considers that a group is the union of several individuals with the same objectives, interests and goals.
People’s Council: It is an organ of the local People’s Power, of a representative nature, invested with the highest authority for the performance of its functions. It includes a given territorial dimension, supports the municipal assembly of People’s Power in its exercise of its powers, the best understanding and attention to the needs and interests of the inhabitants of its radius of action. (Wikipedia free encyclopedia).
Physical activity: It is defined as a systematic activity that pursues the multilateral physical development of those who practice it, positively influencing the adequate levels of physical and mental health.
In all recreational sports physical activity,
Man is the main protagonist to take into account because his health is at stake
If we understand that man as a biological being and a social entity has always needed a space and a time to recreate; We must recognize that recreational nba중계 activities are obviously conditioned, among other factors, by: the prevailing social regime, the intellectual level of the individual, their economic level, the traditions and the recreational sports offers available.
Cuban society has as its fundamental premise the satisfaction of man’s needs, both material and spiritual. Since the last period of the insurrectionary struggle, the foundations of what would subsequently serve to generate the achievement of this objective throughout the length and breadth of the country began to be prepared. In this way we see how, day by day, the achievements of the Revolution on fronts as dissimilar as they are: education, health and sports, the latter being where the entire range of physical culture is contained, divided into: education physical, sports training, therapeutic and prophylactic Physical Culture and physical recreation, among the most significant and comprehensive.
The physical activity that is organized, in addition to recreational games, are part of the conception of a strategy for the development of participatory sport, based on the real possibilities of each territory, all of which has allowed raising the level of mass participation in the community; as well as the wealth of opinions through different projects created and endorsed by the national department of physical recreation and the national commissions of the different sports that are included in the study plan as a reason for physical recreation. With this project we managed to occupy the free time of adolescents in recreational sports activities.
The specific historical conditions in which the contemporary world lives,
Marked by complex processes of change, transformation or social readjustment, demand educational reforms in student centers and in residential areas for adolescents and young people, to guide them in healthier recreational sports activities. and healthy in the occupation of free time, taking into account the great responsibility of the recreation technicians of INDER, National Institute of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation, which raises within its objectives the development of healthy physical activities, for the full satisfaction of the interests and preferences of the people, taking into account the age groups.
For the organization of recreation, in the communities
it is necessary to carry out various activities such as: games, sports, cultural, manual, rhythmic activities, hiking, camping and ecological tourism. The participation of adolescents in the organized realization of recreational sports activities, which contributes largely to their self-training, since by managing to function in the participation of different recreational sports activities, where they freely express their wishes to practice the different recreational sports, With increased knowledge and experiences, they are marked for a long time in their bodies and minds.
In the renovating rest and the integral improvement of the well-being of the individual, social, family and collective lifestyle, carried out in the communities, new solutions to old problems will be promoted, new solutions to new problems, alternatives that in general will improve, the occupation of free time of adolescents in the practice of different recreational sports activities.